the Calahan foundation, nfp

Thank you message from

Rev. Dr. Marcus & Audrey Cosby

Senior Pastor, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Houston, Texas


When an unusual circumstance occurs it sometimes requires an extraordinary response.The great thing about fulfilling our mission is that we can be flexible to meet the deep needs of humanity. This year the residents of Houston, Texas experienced a life altering Hurricane. As a result of our call to give a hand out to those in need, we were able to rally the Chicagoland area to provide over 130,000 pounds of supplies to the victims of Hurricane Harvey. With the help of many Businesses, Churches, Associations, Schools, and other Community Organizations we raised over $5,000 dollars and collected over 3,000 cases of water, needed supplies and toiletries to “Help Houston Heal”!

Photo Highlights!

Thank you message from Valerie Calahan-Taylor

Asst. Manager, ​Calahan Funeral Home & Board Member, Calahan Foundation ​​